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Anatolia Speleological Society



CMAS One Star Diver Course

     Course Overview

  A diver who is competent in the safe and correct use of all appropriate open water scuba
       diving equipment in a sheltered water training area and is ready to gain open water diving
       experience in the company of an experienced diver.


Minimum age of 14.

     Details of the course

        The One Star Diver course covers:
  • Physics
  • Physiology
  • Equipment consideration
  • Dive tables & planing
  • Entry level diving skills
     Course duration and number of dives

The One Star Diver course is a 4 day course and 6 dives are required.

     Course Price

Call us

     Additional costs

        No additional costs.

     Equipment requirement

All the equipment required to run this program is included. At Anatolia Speleological Society
        ( Anadolu Maaraclk Topluluu Dernei ) we run our recreational courses on state of the
        art equipment using the most advanced sets available to us.
1400 Sokak   No:11/24  Alsancak / IZMIR   Tel&Fax: 0 232 463 61 64  Gsm: 0 542 547  2001
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