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Anatolia Speleological Society




CMAS Cave I Diver Course

     Course Overview

The course is designed to train the open water diver to dive safely in an overhead 
       environment. This course is an extension of recreational diving designed for the use of a
       SINGLE TANK, and upon completing the course, a diver will possess the skills, knowledge,
       dive planning abilities, and problem solving techniques to safely cavern dive within no-
       decompression limits.


       Minimum age of 16.
       Two Star diver certified.
       Proof of Twenty Five logged dives.

     Details of the course

The Cave I Diver course covers:
  • Cavern systems
  • Specialized equipment
  • Buyancy & Trim
  • Hazards of cave diving
     Course duration and number of dives

        The Cave I Diver course is a 2 day course and 4 dives are required.

     Course Price

Call us

     Additional costs

No additional costs.

     Equipment requirement

   The Cave I Diver course has some specific equipment requirement more than your 
       standard recreational dive gear. The candidate needs to add to the standard kit two diving
       torches, a spool, a mainline reel, line arrows and a wriste slate.
1400 Sokak   No:11/24  Alsancak / IZMIR   Tel&Fax: 0 232 463 61 64  Gsm: 0 542 547  2001
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