CMAS Semi-Closed Rebreather Diver Course
Course Overview
This course is designed to provide a good understanding of the techniques involved in the
use of semi-closed circuit Rebreathers for divers wishing to utilize the Dolphin or Ray unit.
The objective of this course is to make the diver aware of the additional physiological and
technical problems encountered when using a semi-closed system aswell as to provide the
diver with a good understanding of the special dive planning procedures appropriate
to diving with semi-closed system.
Minumum age of 16.
Nitrox certified.
Details of the course
The Semi-Closed Rebreather diver course covers:
- History and evolution of rebreathers
- Comparison of Open Circuit, Semi-Closed Circuit and Closed Circuit
- Practical mechanics of the system
- Review of Nitrox
- Physiology
- Formula work, metabolic consumption
- Dive tables & dive computers
- Problem solving
- Dive planning
Course duration and number of dives
The Semi Closed Rebreather diver course is a 3 day course and 4 dives are required.
Course Price
Call us
Additional costs
No additional costs.
Equipment requirement
The Semi-Closed Rebreather Diver course has no specific equipment requirement more
than your standard recreational dive gear. We supply the unit, dive sorbe, nitrox tanks and
mixes, and the oxygen analyser.